Ffshrine olliolli2
Ffshrine olliolli2

ffshrine olliolli2

Big Fun: Mike is the largest of the main crew, and definitely the most excitable.scattered across the track), you're rewarded with new outfits, skateboard parts, and trick poses, all of which are purely cosmetic. And Your Reward Is Clothes: By achieving high-scores in a level and completing special tasks (such as hitting three birds/frogs/bees/etc.You're also never referred to by gendered pronouns. Ambiguous Gender: You're never given an option to choose your character's gender, just to choose your body shape.In the first DLC pack though, the antagonist is an alien named Nebulord, who's described as "Not a baddie, just quite selfish."

ffshrine olliolli2 ffshrine olliolli2

You see several Aliens of the Little Green Men variety in Burntrock who mostly just hang around.

  • Aliens Are Bastards: Zigzagged and downplayed.
  • Trailers: Announcement Reveal Official Gameplay The player is on a quest to earn the approval of the mythical Skate Godz of Radlandia, all while solving their own challenges and making new friends. In the game, you play as a fully customized character that must skate through side-scrolling levels while performing tricks. It is a sequel to the previous games OlliOlli and OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood.


    OlliOlli World is an indie action platform game developed by Roll7 and published by Private Division, released on Februon Steam, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. A bold new skateboarding game with a lot of personality.

    Ffshrine olliolli2