Account Bound runes introduced in Heart of Thorns can be purchased from: Itzel Mastery Vendor, Nuhoch Mastery Vendor, Exalted Mastery Vendor, Whispers Keeper, Heroics Notary.
Upgrade Extractor works also on armor that cannot be salvaged. However, you cannot salvage armor bought with karma. Only Black Lion Salvage Kits can be used to acquire runes by salvaging. The 8 Dungeon runes are Account Bound on acquisition, even if produced in the Mystic Forge. Most crafted and salvaged runes can be purchased on the Trading Post. Additionally, there is a Mystic Forge recipe to generate a random superior rune. While all minor and major runes can be combined this way, the forge only returns a subset of those runes. You can combine four runes of the same tier in the Mystic Forge, with an 80% chance of receiving a random rune from the same tier and a 20% chance of it being the next higher tier. Crafting recipes will all require ingredients salvaged from other runes such as Lucent Motes (refined into Piles of Lucent Crystals) and Charms, of which there are three types Brilliance, Potence and Skill. Most of these can be learned through discovery, but several require obtaining the relevant recipe. Certain runes can be crafted by armorsmiths, leatherworkers, and tailors. For example, equipping six Superior Runes of Divinity increases each relevant stat by 78, the sum of the rune's six bonuses. This bonus applies only once, across the whole set of runes, not once per rune. Active bonuses are shown in blue on the tooltip, or in gray if the bonus is not active for lack of a sufficient number of this rune. When runes are equipped, the tooltip shows the total number of identical runes the number is red when there are more than two minor or four major runes and blue otherwise. equipping five major runes provides the same benefits as using just four. Equipping more than two minor or more than four major runes of the same type will not provide any additional bonuses, i.e. For example, equipping two Major and four Superior Runes of the Ice results in receiving the first two bonuses from the major rune and the first four bonuses of the superior rune you will not receive the top two bonuses from either rune set.
Equipping lesser tier runes of the same name will not deliver the higher tier bonuses.Typically, odd bonuses increase attributes while even ones produce an effect, such as summoning a Tropical Bird when six Superior Runes of the Privateer are equipped. Legendary Runes have the power to take on the properties of any Superior rune.F Superior runes can be applied to armor at level 60 or above and include six bonuses, (1) – (6).E Major runes require armor at level 39 or above and provide four bonuses, (1) – (4).D Minor runes have no minimum level and have two bonuses, listed as (1) and (2).Additionally there are Legendary Runes which have the same function as Superior Runes.
There are three tiers of runes, Minor, Major, and Superior, each with its own minimum level requirement, and providing respectively two, four, or six bonuses to obtain the full potential of the rune, your armor must include that number of runes. While underwater, aquatic headgear replaces the headgear, so that characters would need a seventh and matching rune to maintain the same bonuses. A complete set of armor can hold up to six runes, one rune in each armor piece.